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Ghorepani Poonhill
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Ghorepani Poonhill
The primary purpose of reaching the top of Poon hill is to have a glimpse of and capture the sunrise view of Mount Annapurna.
Ghorepani Poon Hill is one of the shortest and most sought-after trekking destinations in Nepal. Poon hill is located at an elevation of 3,210 meters in Ghorepani village (2,874 meters) of Myagdi district in north-central Nepal.

Ghorepani offers accommodation to the visitors who are Poon hill-bound.Due to its rustic setting and being one of the best places to have the sunrise view, this hill is one of the major attractions inside the Annapurna Conservation Area. The primary purpose of reaching the top of Poon hill is to have a glimpse of and capture the sunrise view of Mount Annapurna.Hence, a throng of tourists gather there at dawn and they could be seen extending their cameras to the Mt. Annapurna, hoping to capture the best possible sunrise glimpse. For this reason, the journey to Poon hill is often called the Annapurna sunrise trekking. In order to secure the best seat for capturing the sunrise view, you are recommended to get up early and leave Ghorepani at dawn. By the time rays of the sun appear at the top of Mt. Annapurna and Mt. Dhaulagiri ranges, a crowd of people will be ready with their gadgets to take photographs.

The serpentine trail to this destination takes you through villages of ethnic Magar and Gurung communities. Therefore, in addition to the inevitable adventure, it is a massive opportunity for any visitor to explore the conventional ethnic culture.Another glorious aspect about this trail is that you will be passing through dense rhododendron forests which blossom between the late March and throughout the April, making the entire view more charming than a beautifully decorated bride.

Moreover, Ghorepani Poon Hill trekking will also let you walk along terraced slopes and beautiful paddy fields and observe the excellent culture and lifestyle of Magar and Gurung communities. Likewise, the route involves steep stone steps, suspension bridges and farms as well.Due to its moderate elevation, people seldom suffer from high altitude sickness while trekking to Ghorepani Poon hill. However, the partial steepness en route demands of you a specific physical fitness..

Throughout the trekking duration, you will remain awestruck by the exquisite views of Mount Machhapuchhre (6,993 meters), Mt. Annapurna (8,091 meters) and Mt. Dhaulagiri (8,167 meters). Poon hill discloses the panoramic views of mountains like Mt. Dhaulagiri ranges, Mt. Annapurna ranges, Gangapurna, Lamjung Himal, Barasikhar, Nilgiri, Hiunchuli, to name a few. For some trekkers, the steep ascent might turn out to be a hard-fought victory, but the pain of the ascent is nothing compared to the joy of ultimately inhaling the fresh air at the hill and grasping what nature has to offer.
Reliable Holidays Nepal Pvt. Ltd
Reliable Holidays Nepal Pvt Ltd established in 2018, is one of the licensed travel company based in Nepal, headquarter located in Chitwan, the prime destination of tourist in Nepal. We are registered and recognized in both Nepal tourism board (NTB) and Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agent (NATTA).
© 2017-2020. Reliable Holidays Nepal Pvt Ltd
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